The #4P1G Rule : 5 pointers Theory of success
Yes, I know this post might seem a bit out of place on this blog, but hey, let's shake things up a bit! Today, I'm sharing my secret sauce for career building, which I call the 4P1G principle.
As many of you know, I'm deeply involved with open source communities and have spent a lot of time with students and aspiring professionals. I've had a front-row seat to their life transformations.
So, if you're scratching your head about which career path to take, let me introduce you to the 4P1G theory. Trust me, it's worth a look!
What is 4P1G, you ask?
The 4 P's are:
- Perseverance
- Professionalism
- Public Relations
- Passion
And the 1 G is: GUTS!
Still confused? Let me break it down for you:
- Perseverance: This one's a no-brainer. Keep trying, no matter how many times you fail. If you're exhausted, take a breather and then get back at it. Think of failure as your quirky, yet wise, mentor.
- Professionalism: Think of yourself as a product. Professionalism is the fancy gift wrap that makes you look irresistible. It's all about presenting yourself in the best possible light.
- Public Relations (PR): Networking is your best friend. The more people you know, the more opportunities will come knocking. Remember, the world is smaller than you think, thanks to the six degrees of separation.
- Passion: This is the secret ingredient. Without passion, you'll lose steam faster than a leaky kettle. Choose something you love, and you'll stick with it through thick and thin.
- Guts: Last but definitely not least, you need guts. Even if you have all the 4 P's lined up, without guts, you'll never muster the courage to face the world on your terms.
What do you think ? Are you missing something ?